Centenary Fundraising

 St. Giles Church Rowley Regis Centenary Fundraising Appeal
 and Let There Be Light Appeal/Time Capsule
As well as celebrating and giving thanks for the last 100 years, we are also looking ahead to the next 100 years, and beyond. To make sure St.Giles is still around in 100 years time, we are undertaking vital fundraising towards restoration and updating of the church building, which sadly now requires extensive renovation, to preserve it for future generations. 
The first stage of our fundraising is to mark the occasion with a visible remembrance of the past 100 years, as well as looking ahead, by restoring two heritage lamp posts in the churchyard at the front of St. Giles, which currently do not work. We want to restore them, add new electrics and Georgian lanterns to light the way for the next 100 years. As the work is done we will also be burying a Time Capsule filled with photos of people who have a connection to Rowley.  
Please post your photo and donation to Let There Be Light appeal, c/o Revd John Bridge, 840 Walsall Road, Great Barr, Birmingham, B42 1ES and make cheque payable to "Rowley Regis PCC"
Or put your photo and donation which can be either cash or cheque into a envelope marked Let There Be Light and hand deliver to St Giles church on a Sunday morning before or after the service. Time of Sunday service 10.15am to 11.30am.

If you wish to make a donation please use the following link or QRC code or come along and make a donation in person: 


Thank you for your kindness and generosity which is very much appreciated.

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